Our People

Giannis Anestis

Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Giannis Anestis is a psychologist, a graduate of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He obtained his master's degree in "Clinical Interventions in Addictions" from the University of Crete. He has been trained in Systemic Psychotherapy. He worked for two years at Rehabilitation for The Disabled (ELEPAP) Chania, providing psychosocial support to children and adolescents, parental counseling, and organizing psychoeducational sensitization seminars on disability. As part of his internship, he has worked at Therapy Center of Dependent Individuals and Organisation Against Drugs (OKANA). Since April 2024, he has been a member of the scientific team at "Together for Children" where he continues to support children and their families.

Matina Antoniou

Program Manager “I Contribute Because I Care”

Matina Antoniou completed her studies in the Department of Social Work and actively worked from 2005 to 2018 on Helplines for children, parents and adolescents. In 2008, she launched the 11525 Helpline for "Together for Children." Until 2018, she was the head of the 11525 Helpline and the Counseling Center. Today, she provides her services as the Program Manager of "I Contribute Because I Care," which supports child protection structures nationwide. She is a mother of a 7-year-old girl.

Myrto Galanopoulou

Communications Specialist

Myrto entered the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture at Panteion University in 2018. She did her internship at an advertising company and has worked in the communication and public relations departments of two companies. She has been a member of the "Together for Children" team since November 2023, working in the communication department. She enjoys watching basketball games and visiting Syros.

Nikos Giotas

Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Nikos Giotas, during his social work degree, completed internships at a mental health center, a boys' orphanage, a primary school, and a vocational high school. He then completed a master's program in Clinical and Counseling Psychology at NY College. He trained at the Existential Systemic Approach Therapeutic and Training Institute "Antistixi." After completing his training, he earned the title of psychotherapist. Since January 2018, he has been a member of the scientific team of the 11525 Helpline and the Counseling Center of the NGO "Together for Children."

Sofia Kamareta

Project Manager

Sofia studied Business Administration at Deree and Nonprofit Management at California State University East Bay. She has worked in both small and large institutions as a Grants Administrator and Project Manager. She has been a part of t "Together for Children" team since 2016. Proud fact: Sofia has completed the Athens Marathon twice, once swam across the Toroneos Gulf and finished the Psiloritis Brevet. She enjoys making puzzles with her son Aris, braiding her daughter Marina's hair and eating the food cooked by her partner Ion.

Lenia Kontogouri

General Manager

Lenia has been active for many years in Civil Society Organizations, the media and political communication. She has served as an advisor to the Minister on issues of agricultural education, curated political campaigns, and written articles for newspapers and magazines. She started her career in the press and then moved on to producing television shows and organizing cultural events. She began her professional journey in Civil Society about 10 years ago and was captivated by the immediate impact of the work being done. She studied Sociology at Panteion University and holds an MA in Creative and Media Enterprises from Warwick University in the United Kingdom.

Danae Konstantinidi

Program Coordinator of Remote Areas Program

Danae was introduced to "Together for Children" and its people through volunteer work. In 2023, she joined the team and is involved with the "Together in Remote Areas" program. For Danae, ensuring that all children across Greece have the best possible resources for a complete educational experience is a goal, a motivation, and a wish.

Eleni Koutsopoulou

Administrative Officer of Helpline 11525 - Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Eleni Koutsopoulou completed her studies in the Psychology Department at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. After graduation, her interest focused on the systemic family therapeutic approach, which she trained in at the Family Therapy Unit of the Psychiatric Hospital of Attica. She has attended postgraduate programs focusing on the prevention and promotion of mental health for adolescents and adults. She has volunteered and worked professionally in psychotherapeutic settings. Since 2021, she has been a member of the scientific team of the 11525 Helpline and the Counseling Center of the NGO "Together for Children."

Maya Metaxopoulou

Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Maya Metaxopoulou is a psychologist with postgraduate training in brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy interventions from the Anna Freud Centre in London and in Developmental Psychology from the University of London. As a member of the British National Health Service (NHS), she provided psychosocial support to children, adolescents and families in day centers, schools and institutions. Drawing from these experiences, she participates in achieving the goals of "Together for Children" for promoting mental health and well-being of children, youth and families in Greece.

Tatiana Moulouli

Head of Remote Areas Program Development

Tatiana has been involved in volunteering from a young age. Having worked for more than 25 years in advertising, public relations, and sales, she was drawn to the world of civil society in 2012. Her relationship with "Together for Children" began as a volunteer, and since 2018 she has become a permanent member of the team, initially as the head of programs, volunteering, and fundraising. Her great love is the "Together in Remote Areas" program, which she embraced from its inception. By developing the program, she had the opportunity to connect with the children in Greece's remote areas, improving educational and health infrastructure so they can pursue the future they dream of.

Ioli Oikonomou


Ioli Oikonomou is a psychologist and systemic psychotherapist with a master's degree in Developmental Psychopathology from the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Additionally, she has further training in providing mental support for illness and grief, family clinical psychology and clinical psychopathology. She has worked in settings supporting chronic illness, such as the pediatric oncology unit at AHEPA Hospital and the Multiple Sclerosis Society, in schools, mental health centers, and psychopedagogical centers. Since 2022, she has been a member of the scientific team at "Together for Children," staffing the 11525 Helpline and the Counseling Center.

Evina Sotiropoulou

Communications Manager

Evina holds a BA in Marketing Management and an MA in Digital Communication & Social Media from Deree, as well as an MA in Mass Communications from Leicester University in England. In 2007, after working in communication and public relations companies, she first came into contact with Civil Society by implementing a support action for child protection agencies in 10 different locations across Greece for the organization "Together for Children." Since 2015, she has rejoined the "Together for Children" team for the second time, taking on the organization's communication and media relations, contributing to the promotion of its work.

Loukia Tertipi

Program “Supporting vulnerable families” Manager

Loukia Tertipi is a social worker with many years of experience in NGOs, specializing in refugee issues, child protection and disability. She holds a degree in Social Work from the University of West Attica and a master's degree from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens - Department of Geology titled "Environmental Disaster and Crisis Management Strategies." In December 2023, she joined the team of "Together for Children" and is responsible for the "Supporting Vulnerable Families" program.

George Tzintzelis

Warehouse Supervisor

George studied Environmental Engineering at the Mediterranean University of Crete. Having worked in many different fields, he concluded that what gives meaning to his life is giving back. He believes that through giving, people evolve, move forward, and create ideal conditions for both their own lives and those around them. George loves snowboarding and classical philosophy. He feels great when the weather is right for snowboarding and when he faces new challenges that arise from his work at "Together for Children."

Anna Zilakou

Head of Marketing and Fundraising

Anna Zilakou has over 20 years of experience in the field of communication and has always been interested in the impact of her work. After a long career in communication companies, she became involved in fundraising in recent years and worked in non-profit organizations. She holds a degree from the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture at Panteion University and an MSc in Social and Public Communication from the London School of Economics. In March 2024, she joined the team at "Together for Children."