“Together for Children” stood by the residents of Evros from the very first moment after the devastating fires they experienced in September 2023, embracing the Palagia Primary School of the Municipality of Alexandroupolis, which suffered serious damage.
With the main goal of delivering to the school community of Palagia a model school featuring modern educational, sports, and play facilities, interventions were made in both the interior and exterior spaces of the school.
Specifically, STEM classrooms and a lending library were created, the computer lab was fully equipped, a modern indoor gymnasium and break corners were established. In the exterior areas, the basketball-volleyball court was reconstructed, a playground and a traffic education path were created, and trees were planted.
The goal was achieved, and now the 78 students of the school have access to modern sciences, new technologies, and are exposed to various fields of knowledge, in order to develop knowledge and life skills, creating the appropriate conditions for equal opportunities in learning.