Donation of 1,200 School Supplies through the “Back to School” Initiative

Together for Children collected over 1,200 school supplies for children from vulnerable families through its “Back to School” initiative. This effort, part of the “I Give Because I Care” program, provided significant support to students of all school levels by ensuring they had the necessary materials for the new school year, such as school bags, pencil cases, notebooks, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, drawing pads, and other items.

The collection of school supplies took place at two My Market stores, with the valuable participation of volunteers, as well as employees from the companies Ayvens and Qualco Foundation. Additionally, the companies Accenture, ICAP CRIF, Spitogatos, and Panos & Cressida 4 Life, along with Avgoulea-Linardatou Schools, contributed to the effort by collecting additional school supplies.

As Ms. Matina Antoniou, social worker and head of the “I Give Because I Care” program at Together for Children, stated: “We sincerely thank everyone who participated in the implementation of this initiative, our volunteers, the companies and their employees, as well as the public who responded positively to our call. With best wishes for a successful and creative school year, we continue to stand by the children who need us.”

Watch the related video HERE.

A few words about the “I Give Because I Care” program:

The “I Give Because I Care” program was created in 2012 to support children living in shelters or being supported by child protection agencies. Over 200 organizations throughout Greece participate in the program’s network, which assists 18,000 children annually by providing food, essential items, school supplies, toys, clothing, footwear, and furniture.

The goal of the program is to reduce socio-economic inequalities and create better living conditions for children and their families, while also helping improve the structures supporting them.

The goods are collected at Together for Children‘s facilities throughout the year, in collaboration with schools of all levels, private companies, individuals, and the Food Bank. They are then evaluated, sorted, and distributed to partner organizations across Greece, according to their needs.