With the aim of highlighting their transparent and reliable operation, more than 60 Civil Society organizations endorse a position and principles statement

Athens, June 2024

The “INITIATIVE FOR TRANSPARENCY: Collaboration for the COMMON GOOD” publishes a position and principles statement that aims to highlight their significant contribution to Greek society, as well as the general framework of their transparent and reliable operation. This statement is endorsed by more than 60 Civil Society organizations that make up this initiative.

This document is initially addressed to all Civil Society organizations and subsequently to the general public, private sponsors and donors, and the State. It seeks to productively contribute to the public discussion and carries the signatures of many organizations significant for their social work. The ultimate goal is for it to serve as a substantial tool in the effort to highlight the transparency already integrated into their mode of operation as a fundamental value for an open and constructive relationship between organizations and citizens, restoring their credibility and building cooperative relationships with the State.

In this context, the position and principles statement of the Initiative includes a series of proposed measures towards strengthening transparency concerning the organizations. These include the obligation to publish the current Statute and Financial Statements on an annual basis, the implementation of transparent resource management and allocation procedures, the establishment of strict regulations and ethical codes, continuous public updates on their activities, and active volunteer participation in internal processes and decisions. Additionally, the document contains thoughts on creating a closer interaction with the public and the State to ensure the enforcement of existing legislation and transparency rules.

It is worth noting that the idea for this collaboration and the joint drafting of a position statement with this aim emerged from an informal initiative of Civil Society members who aimed to propose ways to promote transparency and avoid generalizing isolated cases of dysfunction. At the same time, it invites the State to assist in ensuring transparency, protecting the public and recognized organizations that operate consistently and impeccably, offering significant services, and contributing valuable and long-term work to Greek society.

In this direction, the collective effort of more than 60 organizations to contribute to maintaining trust through a framework of transparency and reliability has materialized into the “INITIATIVE FOR TRANSPARENCY: Collaboration for the COMMON GOOD,” an informal partnership of Civil Society organizations consisting of the non-profit legal entities that endorse the published position and principles statement.

Pioneers of the initiative include Ms. Alexandra Martinou (TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN), Mr. Sotiris Petropoulos (HIGGS), Ms. Valia Frankou (Philanthropy Advisor), Mr. Nikos Charalambidis (Greenpeace Greece), Mr. Dimitris Karavelas (WWF), Ms. Sophia Kouvelaki (The HOME Project), and Ms. Elina Sbokou (HOPEgenesis).

Mr. Sotiris Petropoulos, co-founder of HIGGS and member of the “INITIATIVE FOR TRANSPARENCY: Collaboration for the COMMON GOOD,” stated: “Through our joint course, we seek to ensure the transparent activity of Civil Society organizations and the maintenance of their credibility. The position and principles statement we created through an open, participatory, and inclusive dialogue process aims to contribute to making transparency a fundamental parameter of the recognition and operation of organizations. In this effort, we call on all involved parties, other organizations, the State, funders, stakeholders, and the general public to become sensitized, show alertness, and join us in this endeavor.”