€45,225.50 Delivered to “Together for Children” by the 8th NFL Athens

The 8th No Finish Line Athens completed another successful cycle of giving, delivering a check worth €45,225.50 to “Together for Children” on December 18th. This symbolic yet substantial contribution raises the total amount collected and donated by the event to €238,388!

With the participation of 9,898 runners and walkers from May 15th to 19th, 2024, at the OAKA Agora, the 8th No Finish Line Athens—the leading philanthropic race in Greece combining running, exercise, recreation, and giving—accumulated 105,677 kilometers of contributions over 100 continuous hours of the Charity Run and the parallel races held during the event. As in previous years, these kilometers were converted into significant financial support for the work of “Together for Children.”

The year 2024 marked a milestone for the event, which for eight years has been making a valuable contribution to the initiatives of “Together for Children.” This year, the organization focused on helping families with children facing health challenges or disabilities. The donation increased by 50% compared to 2023!

During the check delivery ceremony, the President and Executive Director of No Finish Line Athens, Ms. Sofia Kede, said:

“We thank you for accepting this invitation and being here to celebrate the delivery of the check to ‘Together for Children,’ as well as for your participation, which is crucial for accumulating kilometers of contributions and love for children. Through ‘Together for Children,’ we address some of the children’s needs in our own way and bring more joy to their lives. This was perhaps the largest event we’ve organized since 2017. We achieved 9,898 participants and recorded 105,677 kilometers, which resulted in doubling the financial support to ‘Together for Children’ compared to 2023. Our goal is to raise awareness and educate children. It’s also significant that we doubled the number of schools participating in the race.”

Following her remarks, Ms. Sofia Kede, alongside representatives from the two main sponsors of the event—Ms. Maria Roukoudi, Corporate Responsibility Manager of Lidl Hellas, and Ms. Maria Koraka, Deputy Director of Corporate Communication and Public Relations of Ethniki Insurance—handed the check to the President of “Together for Children,” Ms. Alexandra Martinou.

Ms. Alexandra Martinou emphasized:
“This marks the eighth year since we launched this initiative with Yiannis Nikolaou and Sofia Kede. Next year, ‘Together for Children’ celebrates 30 years of operation in Greece. Every year, we strive to help as many children as possible across the country through multiple programs. Each year, a portion of this support goes to one of these programs, which help over 30,000 children. To date, we’ve assisted many organizations under the ‘Together for Children’ umbrella, families in need, refugee children from Ukraine during the first year of the war, and this year, we decided to support children facing serious challenges or living with disabilities. A big thank you to everyone involved. Participating in this race of love and solidarity embodies the spirit and philosophy of ‘Together for Children.’ Together, we can achieve more for everyone!”

See You Again on May 7-11, 2025, at OAKA Agora!

The No Finish Line Athens renews its appointment from May 7th to 11th, 2025, at the OAKA Agora for the 9th NFL Athens. With aspirations for even greater achievements, the organizers called on attendees to cover even more kilometers in the next event, united for a common cause: supporting children in need.